Por diversos motivos, el blog ha quedado inactivo. Acumulo lecturas y reseñas muy atrasadas, no obstante espero retomar la actividad bloggera con ganas e ilusión, y quizá, nuevas ideas. ¡Nos vemos! xD


Hi, my name is Silvia!

I am an avid reader since I was a little girl. I love to give my thoughts and opinions on what I have read and eventually decided to create this blog in order to keep all of my reviews in one place. Then I joined Goodreads to keep track of books I had read, and books I wanted to read.

Books will always be there for you, even in your bad times. Why do books be your best friends?

A book doesn't judge you. NEVER!
A book never leaves you alone.
A book always teaches you something.
A book helps you to know yourself better.
A book makes you live other lives.

I, too, had book friends as a child, and at a time when making real friends could feel like too much to bear. In light of this confession, I befriended a book called Cuentos de Hadas Para Todos, a collection of childish stories from all times my mother gave to me as a gift in my 7th birthday (and I remember I was sick in bed). That book made me real happy!

In those years, both my grandmother and my mother bought me some short stories from El Barco de Vapor. I felt part of another world with them. Recently, as an adult, I befriend Michael Ende´s Neverending Story, in a book edition with two-color tinted pages.

If you love books as I do, share with me all of your thoughts too!